Individual Leadership

Recognising individuals who have delivered high quality education to young children in Australia, making a valued contribution to their profession.

Who is eligible?

Nominees must be an individual currently working in the early childhood education and care sector in Australia. The nominee must have completed an early childhood education and care degree or diploma and must have worked in an early childhood setting (birth to eight years of age) for a minimum of three years.

Nominees may self-nominate, however self-nominations must be supported by a supervisor/manager/CEO/owner/employer.

Nominations must demonstrate all of the following:

  • A description of the diploma/degree/post graduate degree undertaken by the nominee and their work history
  • A description of the way the nominee has delivered high quality educational programs and pedagogy to young children, going above and beyond the everyday demands of their role
  • A description of the specific role the nominee has played in improving the quality of children’s education and care at the service including any barriers faced and how the nominee works with other staff members
  • An explanation of the positive impact or benefits that the improvements have had on the children’s education and care and how this approach could be shared with similar services
  • A description of how the prize money will be used for the individual’s professional development.


Nominate now

Write your best story

Over the years our judges have seen a lot of entries. So we've asked them to share some tips to help you write a great nomination.