end of financial year contributions


The deadline for extra contributions into super for the 2023-24 financial year has now passed.

If you’d like to contribute for the 2024-25 financial year, you will need to make your contribution after 1 July 2024.

See how to make contributions 


claiming a tax deduction on your after-tax super contributions

You may be able to claim a tax deduction for any after-tax super contributions made into your account.

Claiming a tax deduction on your after-tax contribution essentially changes it to a before-tax contribution (also known as concessional contributions). This means they’re taxed at 15% and count towards your concessional contributions cap. The concessional contributions cap for 2023-24 financial year is $27,500.

When to claim

You should submit your Notice of intent to claim a tax deduction: 

  • before you submit your tax return for the income year in which the after-tax contribution was made, or
  • the end of the following financial year in which the after-tax contributions were made, and
  • before you withdraw or transfer funds.

How to make a claim

The fastest way to claim a tax deduction on your after-tax contributions is to complete the Notice of intent in your online account.

To claim, you’ll need to:

  1. Log in to your online account and complete the Notice of intent.
  2. Once you’ve submitted your Notice of intent, we’ll send you an email confirmation to let you know it has been received.
  3. We’ll check your Notice of intent and then let you know if it’s valid via email within 1-2 business days.
  4. If we’ve let you know that your notice is valid, you can submit your tax return.

Log in to complete your notice of intent




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Need some help with your contribution strategy?

Our super advisers can help work out a contribution strategy that's right for you.