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privacy policy

Access the HESTA Privacy Policy

privacy collection statement


This Privacy Collection Statement relates to personal information collected by H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, (Trustee of HESTA ABN 64 971 749 321) or by our administrators or insurance service providers on our behalf.


  HESTA HESTA for Mercy 
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The facts and circumstances of collection

Where it is practical to do so we will collect personal information directly from the person to who the information relates, however this may not always be the case. Where information is collected from a third party, it is the third party’s responsibility to notify the person about the disclosure of their personal information to us.


The purpose of collection

We collect personal information for the primary purpose of providing financial products and services. This may include verifying identity, establishing membership in HESTA, managing superannuation accounts, assessing eligibility for insurance cover or insurance benefits, providing information about superannuation, managing and resolving complaints, providing financial education and advice, providing notices and statements.


The consequences if personal information is not collected

If we are unable to collect personal information it may prevent or delay the processing of requests, effect eligibility for benefits, prevent us contacting you, cause tax consequences, or affect the personalisation of our services to you.


Other entities to which personal information is usually disclosed

We engage a number of third party service providers to assist us in providing products and services. We may disclose personal information to these service providers, which will usually include our administrators, insurers, underwriters, medical advisors, legal advisors, auditors, mail houses, research companies, and information technology providers. When disclosing personal information to third party service providers we will seek to ensure that they comply with the Privacy Act 1988. We may also disclose personal information to Government bodies, or other entities as required by law.


Cross-border disclosure 

Disclosure of your personal information outside of Australia may occur:

  •  when we engage administration services providers 


Products Administration
HESTA, HESTA Personal Super, HESTA Corporate Super and HESTA Income Stream 

MUFG Pension & Market Services Holdings Limited (MUFG) ABN 62 003 429 114

The countries your personal information may be disclosed to by MUFG is available in the MUFG Privacy Policy.

HESTA for Mercy Super, HESTA for Mercy Income Stream

GROW Inc. (GROW) ABN 63 615 049 691

The countries your personal information may be disclosed to by GROW is available in the GROW Privacy Policy.

  • when we engage technology service providers who may store personal information in the United States.


Our Privacy Policy

More information is available free of charge in our Privacy Policy (PDF) or by calling HESTA. It also contains information about how you can get access to information we hold about you, how to seek correction of that information, how to make complaints about privacy and how we will deal with those complaints.