lessons learned


Meet Helen. A registered nurse for 35 years, Helen continues to work part-time to keep active, and dreams of travelling post-COVID.


“When I was about 33, after having children, I decided to do nursing. I went back to night school, got my HSC, and started my nursing career aged 35.

“When I was 40, I took six months off to travel overseas, and when I came back from my travels and back into my career, I heard about HESTA at work.

“A HESTA rep visited the hospital one day. I had a chat with them and liked what they had to offer, so I switched my money over from one of the big banks to HESTA and have stayed with them ever since. I still feel that HESTA do their very best for the nursing and allied health industry.

“I’m 75 now and I work two days in Melbourne, although I live in Geelong. That keeps my brain active, and it gives me a social aspect which I enjoy.”



a little too close to home

Helen had always trusted her super, letting it grow by itself. But when a family member lost nearly all their savings due to bad investment advice, Helen sat up and took notice.

“I wanted to feel some sort of security,” said Helen.

“Luckily, way back when houses were cheaper in Melbourne, I bought a three-bedroom Victorian home there. I didn’t do a lot to it but when it sold, I made a substantial profit. As it had to last me through retirement, I looked at the options available. I spoke to an independent financial adviser but there was something about investing all my money with them that didn’t sit comfortably with me. I didn’t feel a small firm would give me the security I needed long term.”



seeking advice

“I had a certain amount of money and I wanted it to last. I wanted to know what my options were. Some of my brothers manage their own super, but I knew that wasn’t for me. Nor going to another financial planner who would look after it for me."

"I wanted peace of mind that my super was working hard to provide for me in retirement.”

“I thought about HESTA and the fact they’ve had great returns in all the years I’ve been with them. I made an appointment to speak with a HESTA adviser, Alan. He was wonderful. He went through absolutely everything and explained what an Income Stream is. He could also tell me how long my money was likely to last, and what strategies I could use to top it back up. I came home and thought about it and decided it was the way to go.”

Helen says it was a sense of security that really won her over.

“I know my money’s safe. I get that payment coming in every fortnight. There are no problems.”

“I honestly don’t know what I would have done had I not gone with HESTA."

"There were no other options that I felt as comfortable with giving my retirement savings to.”

“Every time I’ve had a query and called up, they’ve just been wonderful.”



a bright future 


Like most people, Helen has had to put off travelling while COVID has wreaked havoc with the world. But she can’t wait to get going again.

“Next year I’ve got a trip booked to Vancouver and a tour to Alaska. Then later in the year my daughters and I are planning to go on a short cruise finishing in New York City which is quite exciting. I’m loving my life, I’m very lucky!

“Retirement to me is still going with friends to theatres, plays and music festivals!”

With HESTA, Helen will be able to do all that and more.



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