meet glynnis carvahlo


Glynnis is a 2018 HESTA Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards Outstanding Graduate finalist, and natural leader.


During her graduate year rotation on the oncology ward at Queensland's John Flynn Private Hospital, Glynnis demonstrated outstanding leadership and advanced nursing skills in her delivery of care to cancer patients.

Despite being in her first year of nursing and the first registered nurse graduate to rotate through the Oncology Day Unit, Glynnis quickly proved herself a leader. Always upholding the highest standards of professionalism, she showed her ability to deliver complex chemotherapy protocols, and comprehensive patient education and assessments.


With a clear passion and enthusiasm for her work, Glynnis consistently showed initiative and motivation to be the best she can be


Displaying an innate ability to establish and maintain relationships with her patients, Glynnis connected with them through compassion and competent care, so much so that patients often provided feedback of Glynnis’ outstanding work.

Glynnis also proactively took on responsibilities above her seniority, including filling in as team leader. She made clinical decisions astutely, escalated concerns to her superiors and facilitated team meetings to ensure effective communication on patient care.

With a clear passion and enthusiasm for her work, Glynnis consistently showed initiative and motivation to be the best she can be, not just meeting her work requirements but going above and beyond to deliver the highest standards of care to her patients.


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