COVID has laid bare the challenges Australia’s aged care sector must navigate to support our ageing population. Our latest workforce report offers unique insights that can help shape the sector's future.
Read the reportAlmost a quarter of HESTA members work in aged care. As partners in their future, we want to help drive meaningful change for the sector and the millions of Australians who’ll depend on it.
Our unique insights into the sector's workforce can help inform effective strategies to attract and retain talent – ultimately improving our members’ working experiences and retirement outcomes.
Using our data insights capability, HESTA took a snapshot of our members working in aged care, both pre COVID (May 2019) and during COVID (July 2020).
More than 4600 health and community services professionals completed a survey, including over 1500 aged care professionals.
Questions covered members’ workplace experiences and job intentions, employment satisfaction drivers, attitudes towards their employer and industry, and how COVID affected their work, financial situation and industry outlook.
HESTA also discussed the findings with industry organisations, including peak bodies, employers and unions. Their valuable insights have provided further context to the research.