welcome to HESTA. we know super.

With more than 1.05 million members and billion in assets, we're a specialist industry super fund for people who make our world better.

Strong long-term returns*

HESTA has a history of delivering strong returns over the long term.* We were one of the first funds to receive SuperRatings' 20-year platinum performance rating.


See our performance >



Created for people like you

We invest in innovations that positively impact you and the health and community services sector.

Investing in your industry >



Super with impact

Super with impact is the positive outcome we create by supporting our members to face the future with confidence, being a gutsy advocate for a fair and healthy community, and delivering investment excellence with impact.

Super with impact >





there are many ways HESTA can support your super journey


Join an online information session

Simply choose the time that suits you and discover how HESTA can support you to face your financial future with confidence.

Register now >


Book an online chat with a super expert

Understand more about the benefits of joining HESTA. Book a 30 minute one-on-one general advice session online at no extra cost.

Book a time >


Interactive Q&As

See what people like you want to know about super and money, and get instant answers from our expert team in this interactive video journey.

Watch the videos >







IQVIA and HESTA: what it means for you

Join us for a 30 minute session to find out why IQVIA have chosen HESTA to provide your new Corporate Plan, details on your new plan, and information about the tools and support available to you.


No sessions scheduled 







industry recognition

We're proud to have earned some of the super industry's highest accoldades.


SuperRatings blue logo  SuperRatings Net Benefit logo

SuperRatings Net Benefit award 2025

We were awarded the SuperRatings Net Benefit award 2025, which recognises HESTA as the Australian super fund with the best net benefit outcomes delivered to members over the short and long term.^



SuperRatings blue logo  SuperRatings 20 year platinum performance logo

SuperRatings platinum 2023 pension logo  Superratings MySuper Platinum logo

SuperRatings 20 year Platinum performance rating 

Super research company, SuperRatings continually awards us the highest rating possible – Platinum – for our products. And, we were one of the first funds to receive SuperRatings’ 20 year platinum performance rating – the highest rating possible.^





HESTA Corporate Super is a superannuation product that allows employers to customise the insurance provided to their employees by establishing an Employer Plan. IQVIA employees who join HESTA Corporate Super become members of the IQVIA Employer Plan and may be eligible to access the insurance arrangements that IQVIA has selected.

Cover provided through the IQVIA Employer Plan is provided under HESTA Corporate Super Income Protection Insurance Policy No. MP 8373 and HESTA Corporate Super Group Life Insurance Policy No. MP 8373. Although HESTA Corporate Super insurance is provided through your super, the insurance is issued by AIA Australia, ABN 79 004 837 861, AFSL 230043, a registered life insurer.


The following insurance is available through the IQVIA Employer Plan if you are eligible: 

  • Default insurance which IQVIA has chosen specifically for its employees 
  • Flexible insurance that you can change to suit your needs 
  • Insurance cover you won’t have to pay for from your weekly budget 
  • Death and terminal illness cover 24/7 
  • Temporary disability cover or total and permanent disablement cover 24/7 for injury and ill health. 


Cover 24 hours a day, seven days a week 

Insurance through the IQVIA Employer Plan can provide cover for injury, illness or death anytime, anywhere (subject to eligibility and overseas cover conditions).

You’re covered for longer

  • Death Cover until age 65
  • Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) Cover to age 65
  • Income Protection (IP) Cover up to age 65. 

Once your cover starts, it continues throughout your HESTA Corporate Super membership unless: 

  • you opt out or cancel it 
  • your account becomes inactive (refer to page 15 of the Corporate Super Insurance Guide (pdf) for information about when your account may become inactive) and you have not elected for your cover to continue before your account becomes inactive 
  • you have insufficient money in your account to pay insurance fees. 

Cover may not apply to you in all circumstances (see the Corporate Super Insurance Guide (pdf) under Helpful documents on this page for details).

It’s convenient

Generally, insurance fees are automatically deducted from your HESTA Corporate Super account every month, so you don’t have to remember to renew your insurance every year. Your employer may also agree to pay for some or all of your insurance fees. 

It’s competitive

HESTA buys our insurance in bulk, so we can pass any insurance tax savings we're eligible to receive straight back to our members. This means insurance through us is generally cheaper than buying it as an individual, for a similar level of cover.

It’s flexible

You can apply to opt out, cancel, increase, decrease or vary your cover to suit your changing needs.


Book an appointment with a superannuation expert at no extra cost.





Before joining or transferring super to HESTA, review benefits like insurance from other funds. Consider financial advice to compare benefits and costs, and understand the impact on your super balance. General super advice is included with HESTA membership.

Third-party services are provided by others and under their terms. H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd does not endorse or accept responsibility for third-party products and services or any resulting loss or damage. Use your own judgment about these offerings.



start making an impact now

Join HESTA to start creating a better financial future and start working for real-world impact.


If you have questions or prefer to join over the phone request a call back.

# SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2015-2025 (MySuper). Visit SuperRatings for important information about this rating. Product ratings and awards are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. Investment performance contributes to but is not the only factor in determining this product rating.

*Investment returns may go up and down. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Product ratings and awards are only one factor to be considered when making a decision.

^ The rating is issued by SuperRatings Pty Ltd (SuperRatings) ABN: 95 100 192 283 a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, AFSL No. 421445 (Lonsec Research). Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings use proprietary criteria to determine awards and ratings and may receive a fee for the use of its ratings and awards. Visit for ratings information. © 2025 SuperRatings. All rights reserved.