We’re thrilled to be working with UnitingCare Queensland as a financial education partner. We’re here to help you get the support you need to make informed decisions about your super.
HESTA has a history of delivering strong long-term returns.* We were one of the first funds to receive SuperRatings' 20-year platinum performance rating.
HESTA has almost 114,000 members working in the community services sector.^ We understand your sector and what’s important to you. And we’ve been proudly recognising the exceptional work you do over many years through the HESTA Excellence Awards.
Rewarding people in community services >
At HESTA, we invest in and for people who make our world better. Super with impact™ is the positive outcome we create by supporting our members to face the future with confidence, being a gutsy advocate for a fair and healthy community, and delivering investment excellence with impact.
* Investments may go up or down. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
^ As at 20 January 2025.
Simply choose the time that suits you, grab a cuppa and discover how HESTA can support you to face your financial future with confidence.
Learning the lingo and understanding the basics can help you make informed financial decisions. And take more control of your money.
If you have questions or prefer to join over the phone request a call back.
If you’ve got questions, you could benefit from a chat with a HESTA super specialist. Simply fill out the form below.