Having the right partner to manage our administration services is key to helping our members and employer partners face the future with confidence.
After careful consideration, HESTA has chosen to move our administration services from our current provider, MUFG, to GROW Inc.
Our administration services will formally transition to GROW Inc. from Saturday 19 April 2025.
GROW Inc. will manage the day-to-day running of member and employer services, including answering queries and securely processing requests. Members’ super will continue to be managed by and invested with HESTA.
As technology changes and brings new solutions, GROW Inc. will help us continuously improve member and employer experiences by delivering support that aims to be seamless, flexible and innovative.
Our members have told us they want more real-time updates and personalised services to make managing their super easier. With GROW Inc. by our side, we’re committed to delivering the service and value our members expect.
The transition to GROW Inc. will take time and care, so there will be a planned limited services period for our member and employer administration services from Saturday 12 April until Sunday 1 June 2025. Account services will be unavailable during this period until the transition is complete.
Services will begin resuming from Monday 2 June. Following the limited services period, processing times for some transactions may take longer than usual while we process outstanding requests received during the limited services period and services return to normal.
If you have a HESTA Business Relationship Manager, this arrangement will not change.
We’ve assessed the value of the facilities we provide to our employer partners, and as a result, Employer Online will be read-only from 5pm 16 April 2025 and will permanently close as of Thursday 17 April 2025 5pm AET.
You can continue to remit employee contributions via QuickSuper* or another SuperStream compliant clearing house of your choice. Contributions for HESTA members submitted after Tuesday 15 April will be held and processed after the transition is complete.
You will be able to add new HESTA members within QuickSuper through the standard MRR process. However, during the limited services period, return of their member numbers may be delayed. Refer to the QuickSuper online instructions for details of the standard MRR process.
The QuickSuper clearing house is SuperStream compliant and available free to HESTA employers. Here’s how to sign up.
The Employer Join Online portal will be temporarily unavailable from Wednesday 16 April until Sunday 1 June 2025.
If you choose to use the QuickSuper clearing house, you first need to be registered as a participating employer through Employer Join Online. If you are already registered, you don’t need to do anything.
If you want to register as a participating employer through Employer Join Online, please do so before Wednesday 16 April 2025, so you can sign up for QuickSuper before the limited services period starts.
From Saturday 12 April, we’ll stop processing some transactions until the transition is complete. From Friday 18 April, members’ online accounts and the HESTA app will be temporarily unavailable. Our contact centre will be available, but with limited access to member account details and no ability to process transactions. Services will begin resuming from Monday 2 June.
We sent members a significant event notice (SEN) detailing the limited services period and other key changes at HESTA. For a copy of the SENs and details of the services that will and won’t be available during the limited services period, visit the Member transition page.
We’re working hard to make the transition as smooth as possible. We’ll keep you updated via your Employer News email and on this page throughout the transition period.
If you have any questions, please contact us on 1800 628 849, email hesta@hesta.com.au or reach out to your HESTA Business Relationship Manager.
We’ve assessed the value of the facilities we provide to our employer partners, and as a result, Employer Online will be read-only from 5pm 16 April 2025 and will permanently close as of 5pm 17 April 2025.
You can continue to remit employee contributions via QuickSuper or another SuperStream compliant clearing house of your choice. Contributions for HESTA members submitted after Tuesday 15 April will be held and processed after the transition is complete.
You will be able to add new HESTA members within QuickSuper through the standard MRR process. However, during the limited services period, return of their member numbers may be delayed. Refer to the QuickSuper online instructions for details of the standard MRR process.
The QuickSuper clearing house is SuperStream compliant and available free to HESTA employers. Instructions for signing up are on our Making payments page.
You will be able to add new HESTA members within QuickSuper through the standard MRR process. However, during the limited services period, return of their member numbers may be delayed. Refer to the QuickSuper online instructions for details of the standard MRR process.
You will be able to add new HESTA members within QuickSuper through the standard MRR process. However, during the limited services period, return of their member numbers may be delayed. Refer to the QuickSuper online instructions for details of the standard MRR process.
If you choose to register for QuickSuper, you need to have your HESTA Employer number and you need to be a HESTA participating employer. If you’re already a participating employer, you don’t need to do anything.
If you are not a HESTA participating employer, you can join via Employer Join Online. Employer Join Online will be temporarily unavailable from Wednesday 16 April until Sunday 1 June 2025, so please register before Wednesday 16 April 2025 if you want to sign up for QuickSuper before the limited services period starts.
From Friday 18 April, members’ online accounts will be temporarily unavailable. Services will begin resuming from Monday 2 June. You will be able to add new HESTA members within QuickSuper through the standard MRR process. However, during the limited services period, return of their member numbers may be delayed.
Refer to the QuickSuper online instructions for details of the standard MRR process.
If you are not a HESTA participating employer, you can join via Employer Join Online, however Employer Join Online will be temporarily unavailable from Wednesday 16 April until Sunday 1 June.
You can continue to remit employee contributions via QuickSuper or another SuperStream compliant clearing house of your choice during the limited services period. Contributions for HESTA members submitted after Tuesday 15 April will be held and processed after the transition is complete.
Following the limited services period, processing times for some transactions may take longer than usual while we process outstanding requests received during the limited services period and services return to normal.
You can continue to remit employee contributions via QuickSuper or another SuperStream compliant clearing house of your choice during the limited services period. Contributions for HESTA members submitted after Tuesday 15 April will be held and processed after the transition is complete.
Following the limited services period, processing times for some transactions may take longer than usual while we process outstanding requests received during the limited services period and services return to normal.
Contributions received from employers during the limited services period will be processed after the transition but with an effective date based on the date received by HESTA. HESTA also reports the contribution transactions to the Australian Taxation Office based on the date received. It is important your payment and supporting data for quarterly contributions for your employees are received by HESTA via your clearing house by the quarterly SG due date (Monday 28 April 2025). You may be liable for the Super Guarantee Charge for late payments.
Only contributions remitted during the limited services period to HESTA members’ accounts will be held and processed after the transition is complete (with an effective date based on the date received by HESTA). Contributions remitted to members of other super funds through QuickSuper will be sent to those super funds as normal.
No, you won’t need to set up your employees again after the transition to GROW. However, if you are using QuickSuper for the first time, you will need to submit your first contribution file in order to see those employees in the QuickSuper portal.
No, your employees' HESTA account details will remain the same after the transition to GROW.
You can continue to remit contributions for your employees via the SuperChoice clearing house or another clearing house during the limited services period. However, as we are moving all HESTA for Mercy members across to HESTA products, from Saturday 19 April 2025, all employers will need to enter the USI for HESTA Super when they submit super contribution files. The HESTA Super USI is HST0100AU. Processing will be slower than usual during the limited services period.
Following the limited services period, processing times for some transactions may take longer than usual while we process outstanding requests received during the limited services period and services return to normal.
Visit hesta.com.au/hfm-changes for details of the changes for HESTA for Mercy members and what it means for employers.
HESTA Super’s USI will remain the same. The HESTA Super USI is HST0100AU.
Visit hesta.com.au/admin-changes to see the answers to frequently asked questions about the other changes communicated in the Significant Event Notice.
From Monday 2 June 2025, you'll be supported by our new Strategic Employer Team (SET) for your administration and contribution queries. The main contact number is unchanged: 1800 813 327 - please quote your employer number when calling. However, any direct contact number you have on file for the Key Employer Team (KET) will no longer be operational.
The current KET will be unavailable after Friday 18 April 2025. Please continue to contact your HESTA Business Relationship Manager with any questions or for support during the transition, or email us at hesta@hesta.com.au.
*QuickSuper clearing house is a third-party service owned and operated by Westpac Banking Corporation, ABN 33 007 457 141 ASFL 233714.
^SuperChoice Services Pty Limited (ACN 109 509 739) is an Authorised Representative (Number 336522) of PayClear Services Pty Limited, ACN 124 852 320 AFSL 314357.
Third-party services are provided by parties other than H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd and terms and conditions apply.