wellbeing series

Our wellbeing webinar series for employers in partnership with AIA Australia has been curated with HESTA employers' needs in mind.

supporting cardiovascular health in the workplace

Just like our super, a healthy heart is one of our most valuable assets.

According to the Heart Foundation Australia, cardiovascular disease accounts for one in every four deaths, claiming the life of one person every 12 minutes1.

There is a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease among shift workers2, and for HESTA members, it’s one of the highest claimed condition3.

By prioritising physical and mental wellbeing, we can support our people’s cardiovascular health, contributing to workforce productivity and retention.

Our webinar

In this webinar, our panel of experts:

  • examined how employers can play a part in balancing out the risk factors for their employees
  • shared the latest research and thought leadership on cardiovascular health
  • engaged in a panel discussion answering questions from the audience.


1 Source: https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/your-heart/evidence-and-statistics/key-stats-cardiovascular-disease, 6 March 2024.

2 Source: https://theconversation.com/why-does-night-shift-increase-the-risk-of-cancer-diabetes-and-heart-disease-heres-what-we-know-so-far-190652 ,The Conversation, 29 November 2022.

3 Source: AIA Australia claims data for HESTA members as at September 2024.




additional resources

The following resources can be shared with employees to help support their wellbeing.




recorded webinars


Designing work to support employees
in the health and community services sector

In this webinar for employers, we looked at the steps organisations can take towards better work design to support employees through life’s challenges and improve mental health ― ultimately enabling them to remain in the workforce.

Our experts explored:

  • research into work design and mental health in the health and community services industry
  • research findings on barriers to women’s labour force participation
  • what people need to stay connected to the workforce when experiencing crisis
  • ideas for employers to create a healthy and productive work environment for all employees.

Watch the webinar >



Mid-life health and wellbeing

To help you provide the support your employees may need to thrive at work despite their symptoms, in partnership with AIA Australia, we discussed how you can support employees experiencing menopause and perimenopause.

We were thrilled to welcome guest speakers Dr Marita Long (MBBS FRACGP DCH Cert of Sexual and Reproductive Health), General Practitioner and Board Director of Australasian Menopause Society (AMS) and Lauren Reynolds, Shared Value Manager from AIA Australia

In this webinar, we explored:

  • Evidence-based education around menopause
  • Strategies for supporting employees experiencing mid-life, to enable continued participation in the workforce and better job satisfaction.

Watch the webinar >



Improving return to work outcomes for employees with breast cancer:
a webinar for HR leaders and people leaders

Returning to work is a key milestone for an individual recovering from breast cancer - positively affecting their quality of life, self-esteem and personal finances - and for their employer.

In partnership with AIA Australia, we explored:

  • the breast cancer claims experience of HESTA members
  • how you can provide support for your employees while they’re on leave and preparing to return to work
  • the support programs offered through AIA Australia designed to improve health and return to work outcomes.

Watch the webinar >



Supporting employees through financial stress

Presented in partnership with AIA Australia, this webinar explored how financial stress may affect your employees and how you can support them to feel in control of their finances and financially secure, helping to improve their overall wellbeing.

HESTA’s General Manager – Advice, Jen Harding was joined by AIA’s Shared Value Manager, Lauren Reynolds, to unpack:

  • the impact of personal financial stress on employees
  • studies linking financial and mental health challenges
  • the impact of employees’ financial wellbeing on the workplace
  • HESTA tools and services designed to help improve our members’ financial wellbeing.

Watch the webinar >



The importance of social connection: a webinar for HR and people leaders

To help provide the critical support your employees may need, in partnership with our insurer AIA Australia, we hosted a webinar on the importance of social connection.

Hear from Dr Michelle Lim, leading scientific expert in loneliness and chair of Ending Loneliness Together, and Alison Mclean, AIA Australia's General Manager of Shared Value Partnerships, followed by a panel discussion.

Watch the webinar >



Workplace resilience: helping rebuild resilience in teams under pressure

Presented in partnership with AIA Australia in March 2022, this recorded webinar is designed to help you support your employees’ mental health and (re)build their resilience — both of which may have been challenged during the pandemic.

Hear from Aaron Williams, Mindstar, and Rob Prugue, Chair of People Reaching out to People (PROP), followed by a panel discussion.

Watch the webinar >



Enabling employees with chronic pain

In partnership with AIA Australia, our Enabling employees with chronic pain recorded webinar shares insights to help you better support your employees and help them contribute at their best when they’re able.

Our distinguished keynote speaker, Professor Lorimer Moseley AO, presents modern pain science and care in a nutshell, focussing on four key pain insights.

Watch the webinar >




we're here to help

Please reach out to your key HESTA contact or call our employer support team on 1800 813 327 to find out more about how we can support you and your employees.