welcome to HESTA

We’re delighted to welcome you as an employer partner and trust this is the start of a long and rewarding relationship. We look forward to supporting you by making super easy and helping your employees prepare for a financially confident retirement.

Our team is available to help in every corner of Australia.




employer resources



Making payments

You can make super contributions to HESTA for your employees using the QuickSuper clearing house or any other SuperStream compliant clearing house.

Making payments 

Paying super booklet

This helpful guide outlines your obligations as an employer in relation to paying superannuation.

Read the booklet (pdf) 

Stapling and your obligations

Find out how stapling works, your obligations and how HESTA can support you.

Stapling and your obligations 



want to make HESTA your default fund?






support and tools for your employees

Together, we want to help your people stay connected with their super and get prepared for their retirement, whether that’s a long way off or just around the corner.

Onboarding videos

If you have employees that are new to super, have recently joined you, or just need a refresher, here are two handy videos to share with them as part of your employee onboarding process.


I'm new to super, what should I know?

I have changed jobs, what do I need to do?



Employee communications

We’ve captured some of the key information you might consider sharing with your employees about HESTA if they’re new to your organisation or if you’ve selected HESTA as your default super fund.

Download the communications guide (PDF)

Standard choice form

This form helps your employees nominate their super fund. If HESTA isn’t already their fund, they can still choose us by completing this form and returning it to their employer.

If they don’t nominate a fund and they’ve never had a previous fund, we can create an account for them with HESTA. 

Standard choice form (PDF)


Easy English documents

Easy English is a writing style that helps people who find it hard to read and understand English. It is simpler and has a lower reading level than most documents produced by HESTA.

The following HESTA information booklets are available in Easy English:


Product disclosure statements

All the information you need about HESTA’s products, costs and other important things to consider.

Product disclosure statements






super help where and when you need it

HESTA members have access to dedicated experts to help them get the most out of their super – at no extra cost.  

Here for you. For good.

We're a specialist industry super fund dedicated to people like you: people who make our world better.