an aged care industry leader


Cath Bush from Koonambil Aged Care in Coonamble, NSW is a finalist in the 2019 HESTA Aged Care Awards


Starting as CEO of Koonambil Aged Care in 2003, Cath Bush is recognised for her proactive management and open communication, which has built Koonambil to be one of the region’s major employers and an aged care industry leader.


Cath came into the role after a succession of five departing CEOs, resulting in low occupancy, high turnover, poor morale and community misconceptions about Koonambil Aged Care. Cath has played a pivotal role in the leadership and engagement of the aged care sector in the region by strategically focusing on making a meaningful difference to the lives of residents and fostering staff professional development.


Under Cath’s management, the services offered by Koonambil have expanded to include visiting specialists and palliative care. Staff numbers have increased from 15 to 37 and resident occupancy has increased from 70% to above 90%. Koonambil’s financial position has also strengthened year-on-year. A key part of Koonambil’s ongoing success is Cath’s investment in training, development and capacity building for herself and staff.

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