ovarian cancer support and advocacy


Ovarian Cancer Australia has been named the Outstanding Organisation in the 2020 HESTA Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards. Ovarian Cancer Australia is located in Melbourne, VIC.


Ovarian Cancer Australia were recognised for their research, advocacy and support for women affected by ovarian cancer, especially its work to reduce the prevalence of ovarian cancer and improve early detection and survival rates.


With 1500 Australian women expected to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year, Ovarian Cancer Australia provides specialised services and resources for different stages of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Specialist cancer nurses play a vital role in the organisation’s important work. Six specialist cancer nurses are part of a team supporting women through their cancer experience. An Ovarian Cancer Support Nurse has overseen the development of a resource, ‘the resilience kit’, that gives women access to much-needed, reliable information. The organisation’s network for younger women diagnosed with ovarian cancer is led by an Ovarian Cancer Support Nurse, who connects younger women with experts on a wide range of topics.


Research is a vital part of improving ovarian cancer prevention, detection, treatment and survival rates. Ovarian Cancer Australia’s advocacy efforts have resulted in a $20 million boost for ovarian cancer research, as well as the development of a national case management program that aims to improve the wellbeing and treatment for women with ovarian cancer. The organisation has also developed a National Action Plan to coordinate research efforts to improve survival rates. Ovarian Cancer Australia is supporting Australia’s first research project on how an ovarian cancer diagnosis impacts a woman’s male partner.


Ovarian Cancer Australia has developed ovarian cancer prevention and early detection programs for women at high risk of developing ovarian cancer. The organisation’s helpline supports women through their cancer experience through access to specialist nurses, counselling and referral to support services.

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