inclusive leadership & team culture


Sheila is a finalist in the 2019 HESTA Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards. She works at Epworth Hospital in Richmond, VIC

Sheila is recognised for her leadership as acting Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) building an inclusive team culture that led to improved patient care outcomes in the Epworth Hospital intensive care unit.

Identifying that team members in her unit weren’t working together collaboratively, Sheila sought to build a more inclusive working environment for her staff, by introducing a number of employee programs that recognised and rewarded their hard work. These include a Pay it Forward initiative encouraging staff to lend each other a hand, a staff member of the month award and cultural days to celebrate the team’s diversity.

Sheila also encouraged staff to share ideas and provide feedback on how the delivery of care to patients could be improved. The introduction of these initiatives led to a decline in employee sick days, greater staff retention, and an increase in staff engagement.

These programs also had a positive impact on patient care, resulting in a reduced number of patients experiencing injuries. 


Watch the awards online. Tune into Facebook live from 6.30pm AEST Friday 9 May 2019.

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