Building Inclusion finalist Shine Bright Echuca South Community Kindergarten is supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children's learning.

helping children shine brighter


Shine Bright Echuca South Community Kindergarten is a finalist in the 2019 HESTA Early Childhood Education & Care Awards


The 2015 Australian Early Development Census data showed that children in the Shire of Campaspe, in which Shine Bright Echuca South Community Kindergarten (SBESCK) is located, are more likely to be at risk of experiencing hardship than the average Victorian and Australian child.

Recognising that external factors were influencing children’s behaviour, SBESCK sought funding to develop prevention and mitigation strategies to better support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families who attended the centre.

To date, this has resulted in the development of a supported playgroup, a monthly networking and professional development event, frequent meetings for goal setting with families and service providers, a breakfast program and lunch, snack and fruit provisions for children.



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