meet Gerry


When Gerry went along to a HESTA information session earlier this year, he didn’t expect it to have such a big impact on his plans for retirement.


The 60-year-old has been a HESTA member for close to 25 years.

“I moved across from a non-industry super fund,” Gerry says.

“What a great decision that was, because it’s been really exciting and comforting watching my super grow with HESTA.” 


A helping hand

Gerry has been working with people with disabilities since 1986. He feels it has been a great privilege to have had the opportunity to better people's lives over many years.

Earlier this year, Gerry and his wife Fiona attended a Path to retirement session in Ballarat, hoping to learn more about their financial options as they approach retirement.

When the session wrapped up, they decided to chat with the host, HESTA’s Member Education Manager David Logan.

“The seminar was the catalyst for all this, and I would absolutely recommend it to any HESTA member,” Gerry says.

“Dave said he would put us in contact with a wonderful lady at HESTA called Pooja to see what was possible for us, and he was dead right.”


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Member Education Manager David Logan chats with a HESTA member.


Transitioning to retirement

After a series of phone calls and online meetings, Superannuation Adviser Pooja Chadha set Gerry up with a HESTA Transition to Retirement Income Stream, which he’s using to boost his super before he retires, while minimising his tax at the same time.

Gerry believes this advice will have a big impact on his retirement.

“Pooja’s advice was centred around growing my super and using the available tax incentives to our advantage,” Gerry says.

“I just didn’t have that knowledge before talking to Dave at the seminar and going on to work with Pooja."

“It could make a big difference to my super balance. Not to mention the huge tax savings.”


Silver service

In addition to Pooja’s advice, Gerry was also delighted with the level of service he received.

He says Pooja went above and beyond in her detailed calculations, chasing him up for information, and making herself available for appointments to fit in with his wife’s busy schedule.

“Fiona has been so impressed by the level of service that she’s now going to switch* to HESTA,” Gerry says.

“She’s with a good super fund currently, but she doesn’t believe she’ll get that same personal service. That’s the impact Pooja has had on Fiona.”


The next chapter

With the prospect of retirement now just a few years away, Gerry isn’t necessarily going to stop working.

He’s looking forward to being his own boss and becoming a freelance lecturer for universities around Australia.

“I’ve felt the pressure of having to work full-time because, like everyone, we’ve got bills to pay,” Gerry says.

“But what this advice^ from HESTA offers me is an opportunity to pick and choose what I want to do.

“If I’m fit enough and well enough, I don’t need to stop working. But thanks to HESTA, I can now have control over what I do. It’s given me flexibility and freedom.”


* Before you join or transfer super to HESTA, review any other benefits, such as insurance cover, that you may have through your other funds. You may be able to transfer your insurance cover over to HESTA. Download the Insurance transfer form (pdf) to check your eligibility or to apply. Think about getting financial advice to help you compare the benefits and costs of funds, and what impact transferring your super will have on your super balance.

^ General advice about super is included as part of your HESTA membership. If you need extra help, including personal retirement advice or support with your Centrelink application, we'll disclose upfront any fees that would apply. You may be eligible to pay part of your advice fee from your HESTA super account, if it relates to your retirement



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