meet Leanne Shannon


Leanne is a finalist for the Individual Distinction Award in the 2018 HESTA Aged Care Awards


Leanne is a passionate and dedicated Nurse Unit Manager leading a team of nurses at Victoria’s Northern Health Bundoora who care for high-risk behaviour in dementia patients.

This form of dementia often makes work challenging for nursing staff, with symptoms frequently manifesting in the form of verbal and physical aggression requiring specialised care.

Committed to ensuring the welfare of patients and her staff, Leanne worked tirelessly to secure additional funding to improve ward safety. These additional measures include the introduction of duress alarms, the building of an outdoor recreational area and the installation of dividing walls to allow patients privacy and space.

These measures have already seen an increase in family satisfaction and are anticipated to significantly reduce occupational violence and injury

In addition, Leanne customised a Clinical Aggression training program that focuses on helping staff take a proactive approach in diffusing situations before they become problematic.

Leanne’s leadership and practical approach to caring for patients with dementia has ensured the ward has adequate resources and training, so that staff feel comfortable and supported in the workplace, and can give the very best care possible.

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