Mother's Day Classic
We’re all about taking action to create brighter futures: for members, for women and for our community, so we’re a proud partner of the Mother’s Day Classic.
Visualising how you want to live in retirement (even if it’s a long time away for you) and having an idea of what it will cost will help you to plan effectively. And the more time you have, the better chance your plan will come to fruition. So once you have the vision, it’s time to work out where the funds will come from!
Super plays a big part in your retirement income. You can usually start accessing your super when you hit your preservation age or meet a condition of release. You might also benefit from having a retirement income stream (like HESTA’s Retirement Income Stream) which allows you to be paid an income from your super, while the balance remains invested in a tax-free environment for you.
Many HESTA members find they’re eligible for the Age Pension once they reach age 67. Before you reach this age, it’s a good idea to understand what role the Age Pension might play in your future.
HESTA has partnered with Retirement Essentials, a website that helps you check your eligibility and apply for the Age Pension. Knowing if you’re eligible for the Age Pension is something you’d want to factor into your future budget.
Find out more about Retirement Essentials.
If you'd like help understanding the pros and cons of paying off your mortgage versus putting extra money into super, our Superannuation Specialists can take you through both scenarios. If you would like a more detailed chat, our Specialists can refer you for comprehensive advice. You can also find general advice in our Digital advice library in your online account.
You may have financial investments outside of your super and your home. Ensure you stay on top of these and keep doing your research. ASIC’s Moneysmart website is a fantastic resource for all things finance including super, managing money and planning ahead.
We’re all about taking action to create brighter futures: for members, for women and for our community, so we’re a proud partner of the Mother’s Day Classic.
When it comes to health and wellbeing, women need to place more importance on themselves.