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The health and stability of the economy is linked to that of natural systems on which we all depend.
why we do this
Nature and biodiversity loss is not only a threat to the environment and communities that depend on it, but also presents a material financial risk to companies, shareholders, and the global economy. Natural capital is vital for the economy, with more than half of the world's economic output — US$44tn of economic value generation — moderately or highly dependent on nature1. 1 The World Economic Forum, Nature Risk Rising: Why the Crisis Engulfing Nature Matters for Business and the Economy (In collaboration with PWC), Jan 2020 |
how we do this
Through our active ownership program, we engage with key sectors and portfolio companies with the objective of protecting and enhancing the value of our members’ investments and halting further biodiversity loss. HESTA endorses the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), recognising its potential to effectively identify and address nature-related risks. We also participate in Nature Action 100, a global investor-led initiative focused on driving greater corporate ambition and action to reduce nature and biodiversity loss.
The depletion of Earth's rich biodiversity, including plants, animals, microorganisms, and their ecosystems, is occurring at an alarming rate.
Natural capital is vital for the economy, with more than 50% of the global GDP being highly or moderately reliant on nature.
Investors worldwide are increasingly recognising the urgent need to address the loss of natural capital as a systemic risk for their investment portfolios.
We use our deep understanding of our members to design information, tools and support to make a meaningful impact on their confidence about the future.
Facing the future with confidence >
We use our collective voice to help address inequities impacting our members and those we see falling behind.
We use our expertise and influence to deliver strong long-term returns while accelerating our contribution to a more sustainable world.
Investment excellence with impact >
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* SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2015-2025 (MySuper).