what makes the best super fund for you?

The best superannuation fund for you should be a top performer that has your future top of mind. Join a top-performing fund* working for real-world impact.

Join us

* SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2015-2025 (MySuper).



performance and numbers

Over 1.05 million Australians trust us with their super. Here's why.

Strong long-term performance

We know the impact that strong long-term performance can have on your super savings.

Our investment performance has been highly ranked across the industry. For HESTA super members, our Balanced Growth, Conservative, Sustainable Growth and High Growth investment options have all been ranked in the top 10 for investment performance against their respective peers over 10 years to 31 December 2024.


† Balanced Growth, Conservative and High Growth option rankings in the respective SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Surveys December 2024. Sustainable Growth ranking in the SuperRatings Sustainable Fund Crediting Rate Survey December 2024. Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. Visit SuperRatings for important information about this rating. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.



competitive fees and costs#

Administration fees and costs

per week
plus 0.15% p.a. of your account balance (subject to fee cap), plus 0.04% p.a. paid from fund assets ^

Investment fees and costs and transaction costs

per year
for Balanced Growth (default). Other investment options 0.02% - 0.94% p.a.
More about our fees and costs

Fees and costs are indicative only and are based on costs for the year ended 28 September 2024, including several components which are estimates. The actual amount you will be charged in subsequent financial years will depend on the actual costs incurred in those years. Past costs may not necessarily be an indicator of future costs.




an award-winning super fund



Best Superannuation Fund award 2021-2023: Product Review

ProductReview.com.au has awarded us Best Superannuation Fund in the Industry Super category for our strong investment performance, competitive fees and costs, and outstanding customer service in 2021, 2022 and 20231.






SuperRatings Net benefit award 2025

When you’re choosing a super fund, one way to figure out how well a fund is performing is to look at the ‘net benefit’.

What is the net benefit? The net benefit is your investment earnings, after any fees and taxes have been taken out.

We were awarded the SuperRatings Net Benefit award in 2025 (and in 2024), which recognises HESTA as the Australian super fund with the best net benefit outcomes delivered to members over the short and long term.1



SuperRatings blue logo  SuperRatings Net Benefit logo





but it's not all about the numbers 


The numbers are important. But at HESTA, we also invest in and for people who make our world better.

We’re a top-performing industry super fund* for all Australians who choose to work and act in ways that make a positive impact on the world around them.


Super with impact

Super with impact is the positive outcome we create by supporting our members to face the future with confidence, being a gutsy advocate for a fair and healthy community, and delivering investment excellence with impact.



Facing the future
with confidence

We use our deep understanding of our members to design information, tools and support to make a meaningful impact on their confidence about the future.

Facing the future with confidence  >




Gutsy advocate for a fair and healthy community

We use our collective voice to help address inequities impacting our members and those we see falling behind.

Advocating for change >





Investment excellence with impact

We use our expertise and influence to deliver strong long-term returns while accelerating our contribution to a more sustainable world.

Investment excellence with impact >


here for you

Our members are at the heart of everything we do and we’re here to support you when you need it. Our team of experts is here to give advice, help you plan for retirement, or provide strategies to grow your super. We’re available online, over the phone, or in person. You choose how and where you get the help you need.


we know super


We’ve been supporting the health and community services sector for over 35 years, looking after the people who look after others.


We’ve been recognised for our strong investment performance, competitive fees and costs, and outstanding customer service1.




20-year platinum performance rating

We recently received a 20-year platinum performance rating from SuperRatings — the highest rating possible2.




Chant West 5 Apples 

Chant West recognises our ongoing excellence for both super and pensions with their highest rating – 5 Apples.2





Ready to join a top-performing super fund* that's working for real-world impact?

In just a few minutes you'll be on your way to facing the future with confidence.

If you have questions or prefer to join over the phone, request a call back


 # Fees disclosed refer to HESTA super products. Additional fees and costs may apply.

^  The percentage-based administration fees and costs are not charged on any amount of your account balance in excess of $500,000. The amount shown is an estimate of the costs charged for the 12 months to 30 June 2024.

1 Product ratings and awards are only one factor to be considered when making a decision.

2 See hesta.com.au/ratings, SuperRatings or ProductReview for important information about these ratings.

* SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2015-2025 (MySuper).