support and education

With more than 30 years spent partnering with organisations like yours, we’ve learnt how to make super easier for you and your people. Whether it’s super helpful tools for your employees or resources for you - the support you need is all here!

employer resources

Your super obligations

If your organisation has employees, you’ll need to pay super into their chosen fund. Learn more about your obligations and making payments.

Watch the video 

Wellbeing webinar series

Ever wondered how best to support employees returning to work after an illness? Or the effect of financial stress on your employees’ wellbeing and work? These topics and more are part of our wellbeing webinar series for employers.

Check out the webinars 

Frequently asked questions

If you're responsible for managing super for your organisation, we're here to help. Find information about your responsibilities, and get help to complete essential super admin tasks.

Your questions answered 

workplace education

When we say we're your partner, we mean it. We can tailor our super education sessions to meet the needs of your team. Our sessions can cover a range of topics from ways to grow super accounts, insurance, retirement and more. 

employee resources

Information sessions

Your employees can join us to hear our Super Specialists break down all things super. From boosting their balance, to finding lost super or understanding more about retirement options, get practical help and information from HESTA.

Book a session 


Members can manage their super from anywhere 24/7 with the HESTA App. Members can check their super balance, keep their personal details up to date and much more.

Find out more about the app 

Future Planner

Our Future Planner tool helps take away the mystery surrounding our members' financial future. Members can see how much money they're projected to have in retirement and their options for growing their super.

More about Future Planner 

Super questions answered

Do your employees have questions about super or retirement? Our interactive videos are designed to help them see what people like them want to know about super and money at each life stage.

Start here 

Super health checks

We’re here to support our members to get the most out of their super. HESTA members have access to dedicated experts that can give them a super health check at no extra cost, in person or over the phone.

Book an appointment 

Retirement Hub

HESTA members can get ready for their next chapter with our Retirement Hub. From comprehensive advice to estate planning and Centrelink, the Hub is a great resource for members thinking about winding back.

Visit the Hub 

Onboarding videos

If you have employees that are new to super, have recently joined you, or just need a refresher, here are some handy videos to share with them as part of your employee onboarding process.

Watch now 

Support outside of super

Sometimes, things happen when we least expect it. HESTA can help — from online calculators and videos, to super advice and support from our partners.

Take a look 



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