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product disclosure statements

All the information you really need about products, costs and other important things to consider.


Updates to the PDS

From time to time, changes to the PDS that are not materially adverse will be updated on the website here. To make it easier for you to follow, changes that apply to all products will be shown here. Changes to particular documents will be shown with the documents below.





product disclosure statements (PDS)


Apply online

You can apply for a HESTA Income Stream via the income stream tab in your online account. Please note: the tab will only appear if you have reached preservation age.
Log in to your online account.


The HESTA Term Allocated Pension (TAP) product is closed to new members. If you hold a TAP with HESTA (or are a reversionary beneficiary) and would like more information, please contact us on 1300 734 479


You can access the HESTA for Mercy product disclosure statements on the HESTA for Mercy website




other documents related to the PDS




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target market determinations (TMD)


What's a TMD?

A TMD is a document which describes who a product is likely to be appropriate for (its target market), based on their likely objectives, financial situations and needs.

Each product TMD has set out the distribution conditions, when we may need to review them and other circumstances that would prompt a review of our product, the target market or the TMD.






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