super investment options

You have the freedom to choose where your money is invested. As your needs and goals change, your investment needs might need to change too. You can change your investment options anytime in your account.


choose one of our Ready-Made options


Whether you're a new or an experienced investor, we've made it easy to select an investment strategy to help fund the retirement lifestyle you deserve. If you don't make an investment choice, all your super is automatically invested in our HESTA MySuper investment option, Balanced Growth.



Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

To earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than CPI + 3.0%.


Type of investor this option may suit




This is our default investment option where a majority of our members have their super invested. Invests in a wide range of mainly shares, debt and infrastructure, with some property, private equity, alternatives, and cash investments. With a higher exposure to growth assets, this option may experience high volatility.


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

4 to less than 6


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

5 to 7 years


Previously named Core Pool. 


Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

To earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than CPI + 1.5%.


Type of investor this option may suit




Invests in a range of mainly debt and cash, with some exposure to shares, alternatives, property and infrastructure. With less exposure to growth assets, and more exposure to defensive assets, this option may experience low volatility. 


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

2 to less than 3


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

1 to 3 years


Previously named Conservative Pool. 



Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

To earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than CPI + 2.0%.


Type of investor this option may suit




Invests in a mix of low-cost asset class strategies that aim to closely match index returns. With a high exposure to growth assets, this option may experience high volatility.


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

4 to less than 6


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

5 to 7 years




Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

To earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than CPI + 3.0%.


Type of investor this option may suit




This option seeks to avoid exposure to particular activities and tilt investment towards companies and assets whose activities are thematically aligned with one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Invests in shares, debt and property, with some private equity, alternatives, infrastructure and cash investments. With a higher exposure to growth assets, this option may experience high volatility.


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

4 to less than 6


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

5 to 7 years


Previously named Eco Pool.


Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

To earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than CPI + 4.0%.


Type of investor this option may suit

Very ambitious



Invests in a wide range of primarily Australian and international shares, infrastructure and private equity, along with some exposure to alternatives, property, debt and cash. With the highest allocation to growth assets across our Ready-Made options, this option may experience very high volatility.


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

4 to less than 6


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

7 to 10 years


Previously named Shares Plus.


design your own portfolio with Your Choice options

Your Choice options let you tailor your own portfolio, or invest in a specific asset class.

You can choose your own asset allocation (where you want to invest) and the level of risk you want to take. Create your own asset mix from the five Your Choice options below.



Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

Over the long term, to earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than the return (net of tax) of the Bloomberg Ausbond Bank Bill Index.


Type of investor this option may suit

Very cautious. Or, an investor seeking to create their own portfolio, who would like to include cash, cash products and term deposits, or seeking exposure to this asset class.



Invests in a range of at-call bank deposits and short-dated term deposits, and may have a small allocation to other cash investments. It is expected to deliver a return above the official RBA cash rate over the long term. 


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

Less than 0.5


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

Less than 1 year


Previously named Cash, changed to include Term Deposits on 1/10/2020.


Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

Over the long term, to earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than the return (net of tax) of the combination of:

• 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Year Index, and

• 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex Australia Index Hedged to $A.


Type of investor this option may suit

An investor seeking to create their own portfolio, who would like to include debt and other fixed interest investments, or seeking exposure to this asset class.



Invests in Australian and international government bonds and other debt. This option is expected to earn a higher return than cash and may experience low volatility.


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

2 to less than 3


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

1 to 3 years


Previously named Global bonds. 


Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

Over the long term, to earn an after-tax return after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than CPI + 3.0%.


Type of investor this option may suit

An investor seeking to create their own portfolio, who would like to include property and infrastructure or seeking exposure to this asset class.



Invests in Australian and global property and infrastructure, along with some cash. This option is expected to earn a higher return than cash and global debt and may experience moderate volatility. 


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

3 to less than 4


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

3 to 5 years


Previously named Property; changed to include Infrastructure on 1 October 2020.


Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

Over the long term, to earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than the return (net of tax) of MSCI All Country World Ex-Australia Index (unhedged in AUD).


Type of investor this option may suit

An investor seeking to create their own portfolio, who would like to include international shares or seeking exposure to this asset class.



Invests in a range of companies listed on stock exchanges around the world. With a full allocation to shares, this option may experience very high volatility. 


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

4 to less than 6


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

7 to 10 years



Investment return objective long term (10 years) (p.a.)

Over the long term, to earn an after-tax return, after investment fees and indirect costs, equivalent to or higher than the return (net of tax) of the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index.


Type of investor this option may suit

An investor seeking to create their own portfolio, who would like to include Australian shares or seeking exposure to this asset class.



Invests in a range of companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, as well as a few that aren't. With a full allocation to shares, this option may experience very high volatility.


Probable number of negative annual returns over 20 years

 6 or greater


Suggested minimum investment timeframe

7 to 10 years


Information as at 28 September 2024. For more information read Investment Choices (pdf).



changing your investment choice


To change your investment choices log in to your account and make your change.

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We recommend you seek financial advice before switching investments. Need some help? Our friendly advice team can help you work out suitable investment strategies. Get in touch.

Daily switching is available to HESTA members at no extra cost. For more information about how daily switching works, download Investment Choices (pdf).




HESTA investment managers

We engage a range of professional fund managers to invest members’ money according to specific objectives and strategies. 

See our investment managers




learn more

HESTA Sustainable Growth

Our Sustainable Growth investment option invests in companies selected and managed according to specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.

Sustainable Growth option

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Our portfolio holdings

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Advice about your super at no extra cost is part of being with HESTA. Make a time to finetune your investment strategy or find out more now.

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