The HESTA Fund ABN is 64 971 749 321.
The Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) is HST0100AU.
You may need the above numbers if you want to combine your other super into your HESTA super account.
For Income Stream members the USI is HST0001AU.
If you are after the Trustee ABN it is 66 006 818 695.
Anyone can join!
While HESTA is the industry super fund dedicated to Australia’s health and community services, we’re a great choice for all Australians. Strong long-term returns, profits go to members and super advice as part of your membership are just a few key reasons to join us. Whether you’re with an employer or self-employed, you can join us.
And it’s easier than ever: you can join online right now.
You can join HESTA online anytime. If you have questions or prefer to join over the phone request a call back.
You'll find your member number on your HESTA welcome letter or email, statements and e-newsletters.
Or, you can contact us between 8am-8pm AET, Monday to Friday and we'll be happy to give you your member number over the phone once we've checked your details.
It’s easy to set up your online account. Just have your member number ready, visit and we’ll take you through the next steps to get your online account up and running.
Get the HESTA App
Once you’ve set up your online access, visit the App Store or Google Play to download the HESTA App.
If you’ve got your member number, you can reset your password by selecting the 'Forgot password' link.
Generally, you need to wait until your preservation age, which is set by the government. For most people, this is age 60.
Find out more about accessing your super.
Most people need to wait until they reach their preservation age (generally age 60) before they can access their super. But if you’re affected by financial hardship or have compassionate needs, you may be able to access some of your super early.
Learn more about accessing your super early.
Generally, you need to wait until retirement to access your super, but you may be eligible to access it sooner if you're experiencing financial hardship.
Find out more about accessing your super early.
Find support services outside of super with Ask Izzy
We’ve partnered with Infoxchange, the not-for-profit social enterprise behind Ask Izzy: a free service that helps Australians find and access local support services.
If you need some help outside of super, the Ask Izzy website can connect you with nearby support services across Australia. You can search for over 450,000 services close to you, including financial assistance, meals, mental health counselling, shelter, family violence support, and much more.
Find support services on the Ask Izzy website >
*Ask Izzy is owned and operated by Infoxchange ABN 74 457 506 140.
Third-party services are provided by parties other than H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd and under the terms and conditions of those parties. H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd does not recommend, endorse or accept any responsibility for the products and services offered by third parties or any liability for loss or damage incurred as a result of services provided by third parties. You should exercise your own judgment about the products and services being offered.
If you have changed jobs and would like your new employer to continue to make super contributions to your existing HESTA account, complete the Choice of super fund form (PDF) (which includes a letter of compliance) and give this to your new employer.
It's easy to bring your other super accounts into HESTA. All you need to do is:
If we find some, we'll show you where your other accounts are and how much you could combine into your HESTA account.
We'll remind you to check any insurance you may have with your other accounts.
The process usually takes about 3 business days.
Not online? You can also complete the rollover form (PDF).
We are committed to running things as if your money is our own. Administration fees and costs are what we charge to keep the fund running. You can find a list of fees and costs paid from your account in your online account.
For the full details on fees and costs read Fees and costs (PDF).
We give you the freedom to choose where your money is invested. That's because as your needs and goals change, your investment needs might change too.
If you didn't choose an investment option when you joined HESTA, all your super was automatically invested in our MySuper-authorised default investment option, Balanced Growth.
As well as Balanced Growth, you can choose from four other Ready-Made options (Conservative, Indexed Balanced Growth, Sustainable Growth and High Growth). You can also choose from Your Choice options (Cash and Term Deposits, Diversified Bonds, Property and Infrastructure, International Shares and Australian Shares). Or you can mix and match any combination.
Learn more about our super investment options or Income Stream investment options.
You can check your cover right now in your online account.
If you need any help or have more questions, contact us.
Depending on your age and balance you may not have received automatic cover yet.
Read more about when cover starts (and stops) in Insurance options (PDF).
There are two ways for you to boost your super. You can do it from your:
Contributing before tax is taken out of your pay is also called salary sacrifice. Contact your payroll department or salary packaging provider to set up salary sacrifice directly from your pay.
Contributing after tax is easy — just use your BPAY number to top up whenever you like — you can find this in your online account or on a past annual statement. You can also do a direct bank transfer or even set up a direct debit to contribute a set amount frequently. Making after-tax contributions could also put you in line for a super co-contribution from the government if you're eligible.
There are caps on how much you can contribute per year. Read about them in How super works (PDF).
To ensure your super goes to who you want it to, nominate one or more beneficiaries. To make it legally binding, make a binding death benefit nomination. Learn more about beneficiaries below in the next section.
A beneficiary is a person who, under law and the HESTA trust deed, is eligible to receive your super when you die. You can nominate more than one beneficiary and your nomination can be 'preferred' or 'binding'.
Learn more about beneficiaries >
Congratulations! The first step is to contact our advice team. They can guide you through your options. Your super (less any taxes or other costs that may apply) can be paid as a lump sum or an income stream depending on your age and situation.
Yes, you can. You can open a HESTA Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income Stream to start accessing your super even before you retire, as long as you’re eligible. Most HESTA members use a TTR Income Stream strategy to boost their savings before they retire (and save on tax). Some also use it to maintain their income while winding down.
See how a TTR Income Stream works >
Once you’ve reached age 60 you may be eligible for a HESTA Retirement Income Stream. Investment earnings in a retirement income stream are tax-free. (If you already have a HESTA TTR Income Stream, that will automatically convert when you reach age 65).
Read more about the HESTA Retirement Income Stream >
The government sets minimum and maximum drawdown limits on income stream accounts. These are based on a percentage of the balance of your HESTA Income Stream account depending on your age and the type of income Stream you have.
See the minimum drawdown rates here.
You can change the frequency, drawdown and amount of your income stream payments in your online account or by completing the Income stream change of income payment amount and frequency form (PDF).
If you need any help, contact us.
Yes you can – expert super advice is all part of your HESTA membership. You choose how you access it: online, by phone, or face-to face through nation-wide information sessions or personalised consultations.
Find out how we can help you >
If you're not satisfied with our products or services, we have a complaint resolution process to address your concerns fairly and efficiently.
You can make a complaint or find out more about our complaints process on our Complaints page.
To change your name, complete the Change of member details form (PDF) and provide appropriate linking documents to reflect your old and new name.
You can update your other details such as your address anytime in your online account. If you have any trouble logging in, contact us or click the ‘Got a question?’ box on the website and type ‘live chat’ to be connected to our team.
Our customer service team is happy to help with any questions or requests. They are available Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm AET. Or you can live chat online with a HESTA consultant, 8am – 5pm AET weekdays.
You'll find the minutes of our annual member meeting, and answers to questions members asked on the night on our annual member meeting page.
Statements will be available online from late September for most members.
If you joined HESTA after 30 June 2024, you’ll receive your first statement next year. You can check your account details anytime in your online account.
You can also download a copy of your account summary (also known as a proof of balance), which includes your current super balance and investment summary, from your online account:
If we have your email address, we’ll send you an email letting you know your statement is available to view in your online account.
If you’ve told us you’d prefer to receive your statement by post, or we don’t have your email address, you’ll receive your statement in the mail. If you’d like to view your statement online when it's ready, you can log in to your account or the HESTA App, or set up your online account anytime.
You can choose to receive all communications from HESTA electronically or by post. To let us know how you'd prefer to receive your statement in the future, log in to your online account, go to the 'Personal details' section and select your preference before 30 June 2025. It’s that easy.
You can access a range of information in your online account, including:
You can also download a copy of your account summary (also known as a proof of balance), which includes your current super balance and investment summary, from your online account:
If you don’t already have an online account, it’s easy to set one up. Just have your member number ready and visit We’ll take you through the next steps to get your online account up and running. It only takes a minute or two.
Once you're set up, you can also download the HESTA mobile app to keep track of your super, from anywhere, 24/7. Learn more about the HESTA App.
No, you don’t need your annual statement to complete your tax return. That’s because:
You may be able to claim a tax deduction for any after-tax contributions made into your super account.
Once you've made your contributions, you need to let us know you’d like to claim a tax deduction for these contributions by:
To claim a tax deduction on your after-tax contributions via your online account, you’ll need to:
If we’ve let you know that your notice is valid, you can submit your tax return.
We need to receive the Notice of intent and confirm it’s valid before (whichever of the below comes first):
Find out more in How super works (PDF).
You’ll find your annual super contributions in your statement under ‘Your transaction summary’.
You can also log in to your online account to view all your transactions as at the current date.
You’ll see your net investment earnings on page 1 of your statement under ‘Your account at a glance’ and in the ‘Your transaction summary’ section. You can also see your account balance (including returns) anytime in your online account.
You can switch investment options anytime. The quickest and most convenient way to switch investment options is through your online account.
Find out more about HESTA’s investment options.
We recommend you seek financial advice before switching investments.
If you need more information about your statement, or if something doesn’t look right, contact us. We’re here to help!
Becoming a HESTA member means you'll have access to personalised advice to help you get the most out of your super.