spouse contributions

If you have a working spouse or partner – and they’re able to add a bit extra to your super - there could be benefits for you both.

save for retirement together

Working part time or taking time out of the workforce can impact your super balance. Less time in the workforce may mean accumulating less super, and that means less money when you retire. That’s where spouse contributions can fill the gap.

make an after-tax spouse super contribution


For your partner to make an after-tax spouse contribution into your account, or vice versa, you’ll need each other’s account details. If your partner is with HESTA, contributions can be paid with BPAY® or by cheque.


How to make a spouse contribution



Pay with BPAY

Log in to your account to get your BPAY details.

Get your BPAY details >




Pay with cheque

Complete the form and return it to us with your cheque.

Spouse contribution form (pdf)








you may be able to claim a tax offset


If your income is less than $37,000 per year, your partner can claim an 18% tax offset on up to $3,000 for any after-tax, spouse contributions they make. The maximum spouse contributions tax offset available is $540 per year.

The offset also applies to spouses earning less than $40,000 per year, but it reduces by $1 for every $1 of total income over $37,000.

To be eligible to receive the tax offset, you both need to meet certain criteria. To find out if you do, visit the ATO website





who can make spouse contributions?


To be eligible to receive the tax offset, both you and your spouse need to meet certain criteria.

  • You must make a non-concessional (after-tax) contribution to your spouse’s super which you don’t claim a tax deduction for.
  • You must be married or in a de facto relationship.
  • You must both be Australian residents.
  • The receiving spouse’s income must be $37,000 or less for you to qualify for the full tax offset and less than $40,000 for you to receive a partial tax offset.


Contribution caps apply. To find out more, visit the ATO website.






contribution splitting: another way to share the load


This is another way to share the super load. Your partner can boost your super by splitting up to 85% of their before-tax contributions with you (or vice versa). These are the contributions already made or received in the previous financial year.

Contribution splitting is a different strategy to spouse contributions. Using both spouse contributions as well as contribution splitting strategies could provide a double boost for you and your partner in building your super balances.

Learn more about contribution splitting >




Need some expert help with contributions?

Our super advisers can help work out a contribution strategy that's right for you, and your partner. You can see a super adviser at no extra cost: it’s all part of being with HESTA.

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