retirement income stream

Access a regular income from your super while your money keeps working hard for you.

Apply now


what is a retirement income stream?


It's an account-based pension, and a flexible way to access your super after you retire.

By opening a retirement income stream using your super, you can receive a regular income (tax-free if you're over 60) while the balance stays invested for you.



what are the benefits?


  Tax effective

Access tax-free income payments from age 60. Receive tax-free investment earnings.


  HESTA Retirement Reward

When you start a HESTA Retirement Income Stream, you may be eligible for the HESTA Retirement Reward.


  Simple and flexible

Receive a regular income paid directly to your bank account. Choose how much and how often to be paid (within government limits).


  Works with the Age Pension and Centrelink

Your income stream payments could supplement the Age Pension. Talk to us about how this could work or contact Centrelink.


  Invest your way

Invest in the HESTA Income Stream Ready-Made Strategy, designed to reduce risk over time, or create your own strategy.


  Manage your account online

Set up your online account to manage your income stream anytime, anywhere.



we know super

The HESTA Income Stream is a Platinum-rated product with a long track record of industry-leading value.*


Read report (pdf)



two ways you can apply


Complete your application online

Log in and complete your application online through your HESTA account.

Log in 

Download the application form

Complete the application form in the HESTA Income Stream Product Disclosure Statement.




advice is one of the benefits of your membership

HESTA advisers are superannuation specialists who can talk to you one-on-one or over the phone about retirement options and Centrelink strategies. Choose a time to chat with us or call 1300 734 479.




frequently asked questions


You may be eligible to open a HESTA Retirement Income Stream if you’ve:

  • reached your preservation age and fully retired, or
  • ceased an employment arrangement on or after age 60, or
  • reached age 65, or 
  • become permanently incapacitated, or be terminally ill, or
  • been using a TTR Income Stream while continuing to work, and are now ready to stop working, or have met one of the other conditions above.


Your preservation age is the age at which you can generally start accessing your super. This is now 60 years of age unless you meet a condition of release.

See How super works (pdf) for more details.

The minimum amount you can invest is $50,000. If your total super balance (across all your super funds) is $1.9 million or more at the start of this financial year, you should seek financial advice before you contribute any after-tax earnings to your super as there may be tax consequences. Learn more about how after-tax contributions work in How super works (pdf) and How super is taxed (pdf).

You can also read our Income Stream PDS (pdf) for details.


The amount you choose to receive as an income is up to you – but the government has set a minimum amount that must be paid to you each year from your income stream. The minimum is a percentage of your account balance at the beginning of each financial year or on the start date of your income stream (pro-rata in the first year).

You can change the frequency, drawdown and amount of your income stream payments in your online account or by completing the Income stream change of income payment amount and frequency form (pdf).



When you take up a HESTA Retirement Income Stream, you may be eligible to receive the HESTA Retirement Reward. The HESTA Retirement Reward is actually a tax saving. And we want to pass it on to you when you retire.

You don’t even need to apply. The Reward is automatically added to your account when you open it, whether you move from a HESTA Super or HESTA Personal Super account or a HESTA Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income Stream account.

Find out more here.


Any remaining account balance can be paid to your chosen beneficiaries after your death. You can choose who your super goes to by making a binding death benefit nomination.

Find out more about nominating beneficiaries.




how much can I draw down in 2024/25?


You can change the frequency, drawdown and amount of your income stream payments in your online account or by completing the Income stream change of income payment amount and frequency form (pdf).

Drawdown amounts

Your age Minimum
Under 65 4% 10% (TTR only)
65-74 5% No maximum
75-79 6% No maximum
80-84 7% No maximum
85-89 9% No maximum
90-94 11% No maximum
95+ 14% No maximum

The minimum drawdown is the percentage of your income stream account balance that you must withdraw each financial year.


This is the maximum allowable amount Transition to Retirement Income Stream members can withdraw each financial year.

There is no maximum drawdown amount for Retirement Income Stream members, it's your money and you can withdraw as much as you want.


Minimum and maximum drawdown amounts are set by the Federal Government at the beginning of each financial year.


Apply now

Log in to your online account and start your application via the 'Income Stream' tab. This tab will only appear if you have reached your preservation age.


As superannuation specialists, we’re here to help members make big decisions – including how your super can be a part of your next chapter. Not a member? Join us

*Product ratings and awards are only one factor to be considered when making a decision.

Ratings are published by SuperRatings Pty Ltd ABN 95 100 192 283 AFSL 311880 (SuperRatings) a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, AFSL No. 421445. Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings uses objective criteria and receives a fee for publishing awards. Visit for ratings information and to access the full report. © 2023 SuperRatings. All rights reserved.

© Zenith CW Pty Ltd ABN 20 639 121 403 (Chant West), Authorised Representative of Zenith Investment Partners Pty Ltd ABN 27 103 132 672, AFSL 226872 under AF 2021. The Chant West rating (assigned 2019 and 2021) referred to in this piece is limited to “General Advice” (s766B Corporations Act 2001).  Individuals should seek their own independent financial advice and consider the appropriateness of any financial product in light of their own circumstances and needs before making any investment decision. The advice has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual, including target markets of financial products, where applicable, and is subject to change at any time without prior notice.  It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the relevant product(s). Investors should seek independent financial advice before making an investment decision and should consider the appropriateness of this advice in light of their own objectives, financial situation and needs.  Investors should obtain a copy of, and consider the PDS or offer document before making any decision.  Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Chant West does not make any representation or give any guarantee or assurance as to the performance or success of any financial product based on the ratings.  Chant West may charge the product issuer, fund manager or related party for use of ratings.  Chant West does not accept any liability whether direct or indirect, arising from use of the information. Chant West ratings and research are prepared by Chant West and are not connected in any way to research and ratings prepared by any of our related entities. Full details regarding Chant West’s research methodology, processes, ratings definitions are available at and Chant West’s Financial Services Guide is available at