retirement reward

When you take up a HESTA Income Stream, you could receive the HESTA Retirement Reward.

The HESTA Retirement Reward is a tax saving we want to pass on to you when you retire.
You don’t even need to apply. If you’re eligible, the Reward is automatically added to your account when you open it, whether you move from a HESTA super account or a HESTA Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income Stream account.


You’ll receive the Retirement Reward if:
  • you take up a HESTA Retirement Income Stream
  • you have held a HESTA super or TTR account for 6 months or more, and
  • you’ve been invested in one or more of the following investment options for 6 months or more.


Super and TTR
Ready-Made options
Balanced Growth
Indexed Balanced Growth
Sustainable Growth
High Growth
Your Choice options
Property and Infrastructure
International Shares
Australian Shares


In times of severe market decline, where there is a risk that the market volatility can reduce the level of tax savings we can pass onto you, and may reduce the Retirement Reward to zero for eligible investment options.

Before you apply for a HESTA Retirement Income Stream, we can estimate the Reward for you. Give us a call on 1300 734 479 to see how much you could receive.
The amount you receive varies and may sometimes be zero. This depends on:
  • which option(s) you’re invested in
  • how long you have been invested in your investment options
  • your balance history in each investment option
  • how much you transfer into your new retirement income stream, and
  • HESTA’s tax position at the time you transfer into your new retirement income stream.
No, the HESTA Retirement Reward won’t count towards your concessional contribution cap.
Yes, your HESTA Retirement Reward will count towards the Transfer Balance Cap of $1.9 million. The Transfer Balance Cap is the limit on the total amount of superannuation that can be transferred into the retirement phase.
You will need to make sure that the amount you transfer from your super or TTR account, plus your HESTA Retirement Reward and any other money you may hold in other retirement phase products, doesn’t exceed this cap.
At the discretion of the Trustee, the total amount of the HESTA Retirement Reward may be ‘clawed back’ if:
  • you redeem more than 50% of the opening balance of your account in the first 6 months after joining, or
  • you close your account in the first 6 months after joining.
The total HESTA Retirement Reward would be deducted from the balance before the remainder is paid to you.



retire your way

With a HESTA Retirement Income Stream, your super can become extra income to make your retirement even better.

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