Pen and paper
Download the Combining your super form, fill it in and send it to back to us.
Combine your super form (pdf)Got a question?
Your super is your money. Just like any savings account: the more that’s in it, the more it can earn. That’s why it’s important to consider keeping all your super together, in one happy place.
combine online - it's easy
Download the Combining your super form, fill it in and send it to back to us.
Combine your super form (pdf)Use your MyGov account to combine any Australian Taxation Office (ATO) held money you have into your HESTA account.
Log into MyGov
what our members think
“It was pretty simple to consolidate my other super by clicking a few buttons. I like the fact you don’t have to fill out lots of paperwork.”
Zee, HESTA member
don’t pay multiple fees and costs
Every day you keep old super accounts open can cost you money in fees and costs.
Our Balanced Growth super option has been ranked in the top 10 for investment performance over 10 years to 31 December 2024.†
We’re an industry super fund. That means we work purely for you and profits go to members. We aim to keep your fees and costs down.
We use our expertise and influence to deliver strong long-term returns while accelerating our contribution to a more sustainable world.
You can get super help and advice at no extra cost – it’s all part of being with HESTA. Access it whenever and wherever you like: online, over the phone, through an information session or face-to-face.
You’ll have access to default cover that protects you and your family. We provide a range of insurance covers, including income protection and death cover.
* SuperRatings 10 Year Platinum Performance 2015–2025 (MySuper).
† SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey (SR50 Balanced 60-76) December 2024. Product ratings are only one factor to be considered when making a decision. Visit SuperRatings for important information about this rating. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
stay with HESTA, wherever you go
If your current employer isn’t already making contributions into your HESTA account and you’d like them to, you just need to let them know.
Simply complete the form and give it to your new employer.
Choice of super fund form (PDF)