Grow your super
Boost your super with extra super contributions from your take-home pay or savings. It’s never too late to start. A little extra today could potentially go a long way tomorrow.
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®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
Other ways to make contributions into your super
Bank transfer
Log in to your account to get our account details and your payment reference number to make a contribution by bank transfer.
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Direct debit form
Complete the Member direct debit form to set up a direct debit from your bank account into your HESTA account.
(if eligible)
Could your super savings get up to a $500 boost from the government? Find out if you’re eligible for a co-contribution. That’s where if you put some money in, the government could too.
Before you contribute extra to your super, you should consider your current financial situation and how much additional money you can afford to put away given you generally won't be able to access the money until you retire.
Most people can make after-tax contributions into their super account. You'll just need to ensure that you haven't gone over the after-tax 'contributions cap'. This is a limit on the amount of after-tax contributions you can make into your super account/s each financial year.
The cap for after-tax contributions (also known as non-concessional or voluntary contributions) is $120,000 for the 2024-25 financial year, although your own cap may be different.
Log in to your myGov account to see how you’re tracking against your cap.
Find out more about the contributions cap in How your super is taxed (pdf).
You can contribute up to $120,000 per year into your super using after-tax contributions.
Eligible individuals may ‘bring forward’ two future years contribution caps and make a larger contribution. Eligibility to ‘bring forward’ will depend on your age and total super balance. Go to the ATO website to see if you’re eligible and what your cap might be. For example, this means you could put in up to three times the contribution cap in the first year (2024-2025) of $360,000 but won’t be able to make any more after-tax contributions for 3 years until 2027-2028.
There may be other limits on after-tax contributions depending on your account balance as well.
Read more about the bring forward rule on the ATO website.
If your total super balance (across all your super funds) is $1.9 million or more at the start of this financial year, you should seek financial advice before you contribute any after-tax earnings to your super as there may be tax consequences.
Find out about how after-tax contributions are taxed in How your super is taxed (pdf).
Regular contributions of $30 (or less!) from your take-home pay could make a real difference to your super balance in years to come. Every little bit you put into your super now is invested and, over time, could potentially grow your savings.
See the potential benefits of making regular contributions into your super account.
Meet Tom and Jill
Tom doesn't make any extra contributions to his super
Super contribution: Super Guarantee only from age 25
Tom's super balance at age 67:
Jill contributes $30 extra per week from her take-home pay from age 25
Super contribution: Super Guarantee plus $30 per week from age 25
Jill's super balance at age 67:
The difference
Jill retires with the most super savings: $551,873
That’s $123,390 more than Tom.
Jill is proof that if you can afford it, making extra contributions is a great way to boost your retirement savings. And you can benefit from compound interest (which is interest earned upon the initial interest).
*Assumptions based on: Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate assumed at until 30 June 2025 and increases by 0.5% to 12% from 1 July 2025 onwards. Rate of return on investment of 6.20% after the deduction of investment fees and costs, transaction costs and taxes. The final amount does not take into consideration any administration fees and costs or additional fees. All figures are rounded to nearest dollar. Relevant after-tax contribution per week, assumes government co-contribution (if eligible) payable to age 67. Contributions received quarterly. LISTO received at the end of each year. Tax on SG contributions applied at 15%. Before-tax salary and contributions indexed at 2.5%. Inflation applied at 2.5% to calculate Future Value, all figures in today’s dollars.
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Work out whether to make contributions before or after tax — or a mix of both — with ASIC's Moneysmart Super contribution optimiser tool.
If you’re not working, are the main caregiver for your family or you’re working part-time, your spouse or partner may be able to make extra contributions for you.
Our super advisers can help work out a regular or lump sum contribution strategy that's right for you. You can see a super adviser at no extra cost: it’s all part of being with HESTA.