You’ve probably heard by now: people aged and over can add up to $300,000 per person, or $600,000 for a couple, into their super account from the sale of their home.
If you’ve got more room than you need, scaling back to unlock some extra cash can make sense (and halve your housework). But adding six-figure sums to your super after age 55 needs a bit of extra thought.
Simply put, the downsizer contribution scheme lets you use money from the sale of your home to help boost your super balance.
You need to make your downsizer contribution within 90 days of the sale of your home. This type of contribution doesn’t count towards any of the contribution caps. And it won’t affect your total superannuation balance until it’s recalculated at the end of the financial year.
You need to meet certain eligibility criteria to make a downsizer contribution. There are also some things to consider before deciding if it’s right for you.
You can find the full list of eligibility criteria on the ATO website.
Downsizer contributions can be a useful way to boost your super balance.
For some, there can be some real upsides to downsizing:
But there are also some important things to consider before you decide if it's right for you.
Selling your home could reduce the amount of Age Pension you’re entitled to — maybe to zero. That’s because your family home isn’t counted under the means-test for the pension — but everything else you own is.
So, if you sell up and make a downsizer contribution, it will be counted towards the Centrelink income and assets test.
Downsizer contributions could count towards your transfer balance cap, which is currently $1.9 million. This cap applies if you move your super savings into retirement phase.
Anything above the transfer balance cap must go in a super account. Investment earnings in your super account are taxed at 15%.
If you're transitioning to retirement, you can have more than $1.9 million in your income stream account. But you will have to move some out when you reach retirement and start to access it.
There are some other tax and Centrelink issues you also need to consider before you decide what to do.
It’s a good idea to speak to a financial adviser to understand the impact of selling your home and making a downsizer contribution. Get advice with HESTA.
For more information on downsizer contributions, you can visit the ATO website.
how to make a downsizer contribution
Complete the ATO Downsizer contribution into super form before you make a contribution.
This will inform us that you intend to make a downsizer contribution, so we can get ready to accept it.
Send the form to us via:
Note: A member of our team will get in touch by phone or email to confirm that we’ve accepted your form. You’ll need to wait to hear from us before you transfer any money.
The easiest way to make your contribution is with BPAY® or electronic funds transfer (EFT). You can find your BPAY or EFT details in your HESTA online account.
Log in to your account to get your BPAY or EFT details
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Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to keep this information current, requirements and conditions may change. For up to date info on legislated caps, rates, thresholds and eligibility visit