help through life changes

Times of change can be joyful and sometimes challenging. Whether it's welcoming new family members, or the freedom of a fresh start, your super can support you throughout life changes when you're with HESTA.

insurance cover to protect you and your loved ones

Managing health issues

Insurance can cover what's important if you're injured or become ill. See insurance options, information on how to make a claim, and how to change your insurance cover.

Insurance information 

Do you have enough insurance cover?

Insurance can be one of the best ways to protect you and your family, and members receive automatic insurance with HESTA when they become eligible.

Check if your insurance is enough 

help throughout your career

Starting your first job

If you’ve started a new job — or you’re about to — you can let your employer know that you’d like your super paid into your HESTA account. Simply complete the 'Choice of super fund request' form and give it to your employer.

Download Choice of fund form (pdf) 

Changing jobs

If you're starting a new job or becoming self-employed, here's how you can join and stay with HESTA as your career evolves.

What you need to know 

Redundancy and your super

Facing redundancy or losing your job can be extremely difficult. Along with the stress of finding a new job, you usually need to make some important decisions about your short and long-term financial future. See how your super can work for you while you're not.

See some things to consider 

starting a family

Career breaks and super

Time out of the workforce means accumulating less super, and that means less money when you retire. It’s a good idea to put some plans in place to ensure your super keeps working for you while you’re off work.

Explore your options 

Becoming a parent

If you go on parental leave as a HESTA member, you won't pay for insurance while looking after your little one, but you'll still be covered! There are a few other helpful tips to be aware of too.

See parental leave tips 



advice to get your super in shape

What can you do for your future? Knowing now pays off. Once you join, advice from an expert is part of your membership to get your super in shape.

buying your first home

First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme

The First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme lets you save a first home deposit by making voluntary before or after-tax contributions to your super. The FHSS scheme can be a way to pay less tax so you can put more money towards your first home deposit.

Explore how it all works and whether you're eligible.

How the FHSS scheme works


separation or divorce

If you're separating, what's fair?

After a relationship ends, super is an important part of both people being financially secure. What you need to know about separation and super, and how HESTA is advocating for fairness, so everyone can face the future with confidence.

Separation and super



help through a financial tight spot

Accessing your super

If you experience financial hardship, you may be able to access some of your super before retirement. After all, it's your money. This can be super helpful if you ever face redundancy, divorce, or health issues.

How accessing super works 

Help outside of your super

If you need help outside of super, the Ask Izzy* website can connect you with nearby support services across Australia. Search for over 450,000 services near you, including financial assistance, meals, mental health counselling, shelter, family violence support, and more.

Find support services 

*Ask Izzy is owned and operated by Infoxchange ABN 74 457 506 140. Third-party services are provided by parties other than H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd and under the terms and conditions of those parties. H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd does not recommend, endorse or accept any responsibility for the products and services offered by third parties or any liability for loss or damage incurred as a result of services provided by third parties. You should exercise your own judgment about the products and services being offered.







make sure your super is on track

Don't know enough about super? We'll help you understand what you can do now to get your super sorted so everything is on track.

Here are a few simple things you can do straight away to help get your super into better shape.

Get your super into shape >

No matter where you are now, when you join HESTA, we'll help you face the future with confidence.

Face the future with confidence >

No idea how much you'll need to retire? We explain what you need to think about to work it out.

How much will I need? >

Once you know what you'll need, look at how much super you're projected to have in retirement.

Estimate your future super >

Take 5 minutes to answer some simple questions to understand which risk profile best reflects you. Then, see if it matches how your super is invested.

Use the Risk Profiler >

There may be obstacles along your road to retirement, so here are a few ways to manage these well.

How to handle retirement risks >






Ready to join?

In just a few minutes you'll be on your way to facing the future with confidence.