government super co-contributions

Could your super savings get up to a $500 boost from the government? Find out if you're eligible for a co-contribution. That's where if you put some money in, the government could too.




what is the government


The superannuation co-contribution scheme is a government initiative to help low to middle-income earners boost their super savings.

Low or middle-income earners (including those who work part time) may be eligible for a super contribution from the government (called a co-contribution), up to $500 per financial year, if you make an after-tax contribution to your super account.




see if you're eligible to receive the super co-contribution from the government


You could receive a co-contribution into your super from the government if you:

  • make at least one super contribution from your take-home pay (personal non-concessional contribution) during the financial year
  • earn a total income which is less than $60,400 per financial year 
  • lodge a tax return for the financial year
  • didn't hold a temporary visa at any time during the financial year (unless you are a New Zealand citizen or it was a prescribed visa)
  • are under 71 years of age at the end of the financial year 
  • pass the income thresholds test (visit the ATO website for more on income thresholds)  
  • have a total super balance less than the transfer balance cap ($1.9 million for the 2024–25 financial year) at the end of 30 June of the previous financial year
  • have provided HESTA with your tax file number (TFN).


Find out more about eligibility on the ATO website



how much could you get?


This table shows examples of how much the government may pay into your super.

The co-contribution amount will depend on your total income and the amount of your after-tax contribution. Depending on your income, the government will contribute up to 50% of your contribution to a maximum of $500. 

If your total income is less than the lower threshold of up to $45,400 and you've contributed the maximum amount, you'll be eligible for the maximum co-contribution. As your total income approaches the upper threshold of $60,400 the maximum you may be eligible to receive reduces. 

Total income for the financial year* Your after-tax contribution Maximum government co-contribution into your super account
$45,400 or less $1,000 $500
$51,400 $600 $300
$54,400 $400 $200
$57,400 $200 $100
$60,400 or more Any amount $0

* Applies to 2024/25 financial year.


You can also estimate your super co-contribution with the ATO’s Super co-contribution calculator.


make a super contribution

Topping up your super is just like paying a bill, except you're paying yourself. Set up one-off or recurring payments into your super account via BPAY® or bank transfer. You can find your BPAY details and bank transfer details in your online account.

how to claim the government super co-contribution


When you lodge your tax return, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will check how much you may be eligible to receive and automatically make the payment into your super account.

What you need to do

You don’t need to apply for the government super co-contribution. All you need to do is meet the eligibility requirements and lodge your tax return. If HESTA is your only super fund, the payment will be made into your super account automatically after your tax return has been processed.

If you have more than one super fund, you’ll need to nominate which super fund you’d like your super co-contribution to be paid into through the ATO. You can nominate a super fund through the ATO website or through your MyGov account.



want to keep growing your super?

Regular contributions of $30 could make a real difference to how much you’ll have in retirement. See the benefits of making regular contributions to your super account.

Have questions about government co-contributions?

Reach out to our team. We'd love to hear from you.

®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518. Government co-contribution eligibility criteria applies. 

Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to keep this information current, requirements and conditions may change. For up to date info on legislated caps, rates, thresholds and eligibility visit the ATO website.